Saturday, May 30, 2009

ホールとオール 5/29(thu)


「Whole system is down」

ここで疑問発生。wholeってシステムに対しても使えるの??こういうときってAll sytemじゃダメなの??ってか、all と whole の違いってなんだろう?・・と



僕の元々持っていたイメージに非常に近い。典型的な日本人の思考パターンなのだろうか。でもこれだとwhole system の使い方の説明ができない。システム円くなしね。


「基本同じではないか?ピザ屋で"whole" と言えば ホールピザが出てくる
 もし、"All" と言えば店内にある全てのピザがでてくるのでは?」
それだったら、All sytem と言っても良さそうだ。



all of them とか all the XXXとかそういう使い方がメインらしい。。合点。make sence。だから、正しい使い方はこんな感じだと思う。
ALL the skytrains are stopping, because WHOLE sytem is down.」


wholeが使われていた。もちろん名詞の直前。僕はAll XXXX と言うことが多々あったが
むしろこういう時はall ではなく、wholeを使った方が適切なようだ。


A month ago, there was a problem with the Skytrain, and it stopped for about 40 minuts. At that time, I was at Granvile station and I heard the station employee announced that "the whole system is down". This announcement generate a question about vacabulary. I knew the meaning of "whole", but I didn't know what the difference between "whole" and "all" is. How should I use the word "whole"? I think this question is easy for netive speakers and people who study English hard. They might even say "That's obvious!"

In my case, I had herad only two collocations including the word "whole". One of them is a "whole" pizza, the other one is a "whole" cake. So I had an image that "whole" is the word for circular food.

I asked a Japanese classmate, and she answered that, "I think 'whole' is the word for something circular. I guess..." Her idea is similar to mine. But this idea can't explain why people can say something like "whole" system. A system isn't circular.

I also asked my girlfriend and she responded that, "I don't know exactly, but I think it's almost the same. If you say "whole pizza, please.", the staff will serve a whole pizza. If you say "All pizza, please." they will serve all of the pizza in the shop." Mmm...Okay, I see what you mean. but... if her opinion is true, it's no problem for me to say "all"sytem.

I ended up asking a native speaker Ayumi-san,whose favorite Japanese phrase is "Ka-wa-i-iiiiiiiiiiii". she made rplay "It's same meaning, but the usage is diffrent.". In the case of "whole", it must put before the noun. In the case of "all", ususally it is used as in "all the ____". Ofcouse,we also say "all of the ___". That means I can say "ALL the Skytrain are stoping, because the whole system is down."

Today, I watched Manmamia , which is the famous movie in my ESL schoo. Then I realized that there are many word "whole" in the line. Until now, I used only "all", so I used "all _____". It might be wrong.

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